Sanja Ilic Balkanika

Sanja Ilic Balkanika are a Serbian band. They play traditional music from the Balkans combined with modern elements. Their opus comprises old music tunes from the Balkans with splendid musicians playing traditional instruments, performing music which conjures the atmosphere of the Balkans region, in a new attire for the new millennium.

Aleksandar-Sanja Ilic is one of the most famous composers of pop and rock music of former Yugoslavia, and, nowadays - Serbia. His career started in the band San in Belgrade. He has composed songs for almost all major singers. Many of his compositions won the title "The Hit of the Year". He has won many awards at festivals in former Yugoslavia.

With the band Aska, he participated at the Euro-vision Song Contest 1982, held in Harrogate, United Kingdom. Their song, "Halo, halo" ("Hello, Hello"), ended 14th, being awarded with 21 points. Sanja Ilic writes music for theater film and television, and his instrumental music "Delta Project" is the all-time most frequently broadcast and best selling project of instrumental music in former Yugoslavia.

Writing music scores for theater performances also brought songs which have become very popular and have outlived the performances for which they had been written, as, for instance, "Plava ptica" ("The Blue Bird"). Sanja has also worked with actors who sing, and has made a significant opus in that field. Each year at the Herceg Novi Music Festival (Montenegro), the first evening of the festival is reserved for actors. This musical spectacle is designed by Sanja Ilic. In April 1999, during the bombardment of Serbia, he composed the song "Moj grad jos peva..." ("My City is Still Singing..."), referring to Belgrade. The performing artists were the very actors who had for years been cooperating with Sanja. Recently, he has been obsessed with ethnic music of the Balkans, which resulted in his writing the original music for the BALKAN 2000 project.

Sanja Ilić Balkanika rođen je 1951. u Beogradu. Njegov otac je kompozitor Miodrag Ilić Beli, a brat kompozitor Dragan Ilić koji svira u Generaciji 5. Jedan od pradeda mu je bio akademik Jovan Žujović, a drugi solunac i poslanik Aleksa Žujović. Bio je oženjen Zlatom Petković.

Kada je imao 12 ili 13 godina, napisao je muziku na tekst Duška Radovića koju je izvodio Dragan Laković. Kada je imao 16. godina, poslao je svoju kompoziciju „Baj, baj, baj“ na izbor za pjesmu kojom je Jugoslavija trebala da se predstavi na Evroviziji 1968. Njegovu kompoziciju je izvela Bisera Velentanlić na istom takmičenju u Opatiji 1976. Diplomirao je na Arhitektonskom fakultetu u Beogradu.

Kao mladić je nastupao u grupi Vragolani, a zatim u grupi San. Njegov najbolji prijatelj Predrag Jovičić Trta koji je bio pjevač grupe San, poginuo je od strujnog udara u toku koncerta u dvorani Čair u Nišu 1975. U znak sećanje na njega, snimio je album Uspomene. Sedamdesetih godina 20. veka je komponovao muziku za himnu fudbalkog kluba Crvena zvezda na tekst Ljubivoja Ršumovića: „Sve što smo želeli, sve što smo hteli. To su nam dali, crveno-beli“. Njegova pesma „Halo, halo” u izvođenju grupe Aske predstavljala je Jugoslaviju na Pesmi Evrovizije 1982. Njegova pesma „Princeza” u izvođenju Slađane Milošević i Dade Topića, bila je kandidat na jugoslovenskom izboru za Pesmu Evrovizije 1984.

Grupu Balkanika je osnovao 1998, a prvi koncert je održan 26. juna 2000. Sa Balkanikom Sanja Ilić je nastupao na koncertima širom sveta.

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